Multiple choice / multiple options

Multiple choice and multiple options questions allow you to identify a series of standard responses from which your respondent or interviewer/observer can choose from. With multiple choice, you can only select only one of the options. With multiple options, you can select more than one option at a time.

Example of a multiple choice question


Working with classes

Modifying the class names (column headers)

When you set the Question type to 'Multiple choice', you will get an empty table with three classes, called 'Class 1', 'Class 2' and 'Class 3'. To change these column headers, just click somewhere in the column, and then on the Edit class name button button. You can also double-click on the column header. This will make a text field appear, where you can modify the name of this class (column).

Edit the class name


Adding and removing classes

If you want to add a class (column), click in the column to the right of where you want to insert it. For instance in the example above, if you want to add a column between Class 2 and Class 3, you should click in the Class 3 column. Then press the Add class button button in the toolbar.

If you want to remove a class (column), click in the column itself and then on the Remove class button button.


Add questions and indicate the preferential answer

Go to the first row and enter the first question in the 'Label' column. Then you can indicate what would be the correct or preferred answer from your respondents, by clicking in that column. A check mark will appear.

Select the preferred answer by checking the box


Setting the target of a multiple choice/options question

You can set the target in terms of how many beneficiaries out of the total group (population) will achieve this target. Click on the Target button button, or double-click on the target cell in the table to open the following dialog window:

Setting the target as a percentage of the population


Setting class values

If you want, you can give every class a number to facilitate the registration of results. You can use these values in a different way too, to give points or scores as in the example below: if the co-operant has only introduced some elements of what he/she learned on a training, he/she will get 1 or 2. If she/he rely applies what she/he has learned, then the score will be 3 or 4.

Click on the Set class values button button to open the following dialog:

Setting the value of each class

In the first column, you can see the class names (the text that appears in the column headers). In the second column you can enter any value you want.

When you press the < OK > button, you will see these values appear in the column headers between brackets, below the text, as in this example:

Multiple choice indicator with class values