Budget items

Budget headers and budget items

A budget has:

  • Budget items: a budget item calculates the cost for a specific item. You can enter:
    • The description of the item
    • Its duration and duration unit: for instance to calculate wages: 12 months
    • Its quantity: for instance ‘5 items ‘or ‘3 persons’. You can select an existing unit from the drop-down list or enter a new one.
    • Its unit cost:
      • Unit cost expressed in the default currency: simply enter the unit cost of the item
      • Unit cost expressed in a local currency: enter the number and select a currency from the Currency drop-down list. If the currency you need is not available, use the Exchange rates window to add new local currencies.
  • Budget headers: these group a series of budget items. A budget header can also group other budget headers and you can create as many levels as you like. Logframer automatically calculates the totals of the budget header:
    • The total duration: a total will only be made if the duration unit of all the items is the same
    • The total quantity: a total will only be made if the number unit of all the items is the same
    • The total local currency: a total will only be made if the local currency of all the items is the same
    • The total cost

You don't have to fill out all the cells for a budget item. You can:


Total cost is

Cost/unit only


Quantity and a cost per unit

Quantity x Cost per unit

Duration and a cost per unit

Duration x Cost per unit

Duration, quantity and cost per unit

Duration x Quantity x Cost per unit

A special kind of budget item is the Ratio budget item. With a Ratio item, you can specify that one cost equals to a certain percentage (ratio) of another item or budget header. To create a ratio item:

  • Make sure the Details pane is visible (if not, go to the Lay-out toolbar and in the View section click on Show Details).
  • On the Type tab of the Details pane, set the Type to ratio using the drop-down list
  • In the table that appears, select the reference row that will be the source for your item
  • Specify the ratio as a percentage of the amount you're referring to

A ratio item

A ratio item is practical if you have for instance administration costs that are a fixed percentage of the total working costs, or if you want to calculate an amount for contingencies as a percentage of other costs.

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