Budget templates

To make designing your budget easier, Logframer has a number of budget templates:

  • Direct/Admin cost: very often budgets have two big blocks:
    • the direct costs (working costs) with the actual costs of the activities, the staff costs, investments costs and so on
    • the administration costs (indirect costs): calculated as a percentage of the direct costs and destined for overhead costs of the (head) office.
  • Humanitarian budget templates:
    • ECHO (European Commission Humanitarian Office)
    • DFID (Department for International Development – UK
    • CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency)
  • Budget templates for Development assistance:
    • EuropeAid (European Commission development agency)

If you click on one of the buttons of the Structure section of the Lay-out toolbar, Logframer will prepare the budget template for you. Some of these templates are multi-year templates, while others are simple templates.

Budget lay-out toolbar with overview of budget templates

Disclaimer: Facilidev does not guarantee the correctness/completeness of these templates and their compliance with the legal requirements and/or donor requirements of the organisations and instances mentioned above. These templates are designed as examples to assist you in developing more complex budget formats. Before you use these templates to develop and present your project proposal and financial proposal to any donor, you must verify that it complies to all the (legal) requirements of that donor at the time of your deposit. Be aware that donors may deviate from standard templates in specific cases.

In no case Facilidev or the developer team of Logframer can be held accountable for any failure to obtain donor funding by using these templates or the Logframer software.

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