How to create an organisation file

To make a new organisation file, start up Logframer or click on New project in the File toolbar if you have another project opened in Logframer.

Still in the File toolbar, go to the Mode section and click the IATI organisation button. You will see this on your screen:

Creating an IATI organisation file

As you can see, in IATI organisation mode you can't work with the logframe or with the planning. The IATI organisation file focuses mainly on financial information and nothing much else. This means that apart from the Budget window, you also get a new Expenses window.

If you have registered information about your organisation in the My organisation dialogue, Logframer will automatically add this information in the Partner list. Since the purpose of the IATI organisation file is to report on your own organisation, it's best not to add any other partner organisations here.

In terms of IATI specific information there is not much to add. The only thing you can include is document links, to year reports for instance.


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