Logframer 1.2 out now!
Here it is, the latest version of Logframer. I imagine one day people will cue for the latest Logframer version like they do for the newest Apple product now. Then again, I do have a large imagination.
The most obvious change in this version is the new print and print preview window, as well as the updated reports. I've also added a new report: the resources table. It gives an overview of the necessary resources and their cost for each activity, which is not the same as the project's budget because some resources may be shared between activities.
The function to import logical frameworks made in MS Excel also received an update, ironing out some bugs in the previous versions of Logframer. And finally there is another smaller addition in the form of a search option for contacts and organisations (as well as their addresses and so on).
Under the hood major changes were made to improve Logframer's performance. You can now tweak the speed of the interface yourself, by making a choice between faster rendering or more accurate rendering. And finally a series of smaller quirks and bugs were ironed out.
So quickly head for the download page and install Logframer 1.2 now!
Meanwhile, if anybody needs me I'll be working on version 1.3
I was really waiting for this ;)Seems like a great new release and I will definitly continue promoting it in our network.Any chance you can release a "portable" version that runs of a usb-stick? Right now even the "offline install" version seems to put everything in strange places and due to that I have also failed to run it with Mono on Linux so far.
Portable install
Hi Kris,
The problem I have is that I use ClickOnce installation in Visual Basic.net. This means that instead of creating a 'normal' program (.exe) that's installed in the Program Files folder, VB.net will hide it somewhere deep in your system according to a logic that only Microsoft understands. I'm also a big user of USB-installed software, but for now I have to disappoint you. Maybe you can find workaround if you download the source code and work from there on. If you do find a solution, I would like to hear it from you.
Other issues
Hmm that is too bad, and sorry I can't help with the source code as I don't have VB.net.Other things I noticed:- The 1.2 installer still says "Logframer 1.1" in the menu- When trying to install the offline installer it looks like it still tries to connect to the internet and afterwards fails with this error: "Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first." on my Windows7 64bit. This didn't happen with version 1.1.
Problem solved
During installation, the installer does connect to the internet to download the actual Logframer installation files. I removed the requirement to install VisualBasic Powerpacks, as they are not really needed to run Logframer. So you shouldn't get this message anymore:
I also did a full test install on Windows XP with Service Pack 3 installed, and everything works fine. I also verified whether version 1.2 is installed, which is the case. I didn't get the Logframer 1.1 references that you mentioned.
ok with the new downloader it
ok with the new downloader it seems to work and also shows 1.2 properly. Thx for the fix.
Really 1.2?
Ok I downloaded the file "logframer_12_setup.exe" but in the installer and the program itself everything says version 1.1. Is that just an oversight in renaming or does it download the older version?
Version info
Hmmm, I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the feed-back. But I used the installer myself to install it on my own computer from the site, and it is version 1.2 that is installed
Some tweaks to consider
I am a user from Kenya, I like the program. It makes the task of making logframes far much easier and with more detail. Of concern is that theres no recovery feature in the case of power failure or system crashes. It happened to me once and had to start some work all over again. is there a way that right clicking to copy,paste,delete and other functions can be integrated into it?plus can you integrate multiple cell selection just like excel? Overall a great job Sir!
Multiple selection, copying and pasting
Hi Lionel,
Nice to hear you like using Logframer. As for your questions, you can select multiple cells at once. Just click and drag with the left mouse button. To move one item (or several selected items), right-click in the selected cell(s) and drag away. You will see a green indicator that shows you were exactly your items will be dropped. To copy one or more items, hold the Control (Ctrl) button and drag the items with the right mouse button.
You can find more info on dragging and copying of text and other items on these pages.
I'll think about your suggestion about the auto recovery feature. Maybe an auto-save every x minutes or so?
Yes an autosave periodically would be welcome. At least one can recover work in the event of any system crash or power failure
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