Overview of the process

You can start producing IATI files right off the bat, but the idea is of course that they can be found easily by anyone looking for information. In order to do that, your organisation has to become a registered publisher and then each time you produce a new file you have to enter it in the IATI registry.

  • Register your organisation: if you are new to IATI you will have to create a new personal account first. Then you can register your organisation. You have to provide some basic information about your organisation and apply for membership. Once your application is approved (which doesn't take long) your organisation is now an official Publisher. More information about how to become a registered Publisher can be found here: https://www.iatiregistry.org/help
  • Create files: as explained before, there are two types of files:
    • Create an organisation file: this contains mainly financial information about your organisation's main expenditure (during the past three years) and its projected budget (for the next three years).
    • Create one or more activity files: you can choose whether you want to create a single activity file with all your organisation's activities (projects/programmes) or one file per activity. Other possibilities are to create a file grouping activities within a single region or around the same topic for instance.
  • Publish the files on your website: create a folder somewhere on your website and post the IATI xml documents in that location. Make sure that this location is publicly accessible.
  • Register any newly published files in the IATI Registry

As you can see the whole process is relatively simple. The hard part is actually to prepare your organisation. Before you start publishing data on the world wide web you need to be sure that you have a clear idea of what you want to share, how this may affect your organisation (identify any risks), what this will mean in terms of workload and how you will organise yourselves to bring all the information together. The technical process may be simple, but aid transparency is something fundamental that requires a clear commitment and participation of the whole organisation.

On the IATI website you can find good information about what it takes to commit and prepare your organisation to aid transparency.


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