Verification sources
The Verification Sources column is the third column of the logical framework. The verification sources describe where you (or an external evaluator) can find the information necessary to verify your indicators. For each indicator you can specify one or more verification sources. With multiple verification sources you can triangulate data: verify if the data is accurate by comparing different sources.
Click on a verification source in the logframe to get the following Verification Source Detail panel:
Here you can indicate how the data will be collected, and who will be responsible for the collection of this information.
- Responsibility of: To indicate who is responsible for the data collection, you can select any of your partners from the drop-down list.
- Frequency: you can indicate the frequency at which the data collection should happen: weekly, monthly, every 3-4-6 months, yearly, at the start or at the end of the project, mid-term, before the project starts (ex ante) or after the project (ex post).
- Information source: indicate what kind of information source you're using: a baseline study, registration forms, follow-up missions, meetings, etc.
- Website: If you've selected a website as your information source in the previous box, you can enter the site's URL here.
- Collection method: here you can provide a bit more information about the collection method
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