Importing an existing Logical framework from an MS Excel spreadsheet (version 1.0 and 1.1)

This page describes the importing process for versions 1.0 and 1.1 of Logframer. For help about importing in version 1.2 or higher, follow this link

To import an existing logframe from a Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheet, go to FileImportLogframe from MS Excel file.

The following dialog box will appear. Click on the button on the right of the text box to select the file you want to import.

Import logframe from Excel - step 1

Logframer will open the file and give a preview of the first worksheet in the workbook. If there are multiple worksheets, you can select the correct one using the dropdown box on top of the preview, which lists all of the available worksheets.

Import logframe from Excel - step 2

In the third step, you need to indicate which columns contain the objectives, the indicators, the verification sources and the assumptions.

Import logframe from Excel - step 3

Finally, in the fourth step you need to indicate the first and last row of the goals, purpose(s), outputs and activities.

Import logframe from Excel - step 4

Do not include the title rows (i.e. containing the words ‘Goals’, ‘Purposes’, ‘Indicators’, ‘Assumptions’, etc.). As a final option, you can indicate whether the columns next to the Activities column contain the means and budget of the project, or rather the process indicators and their verification sources (generally, it will be the first option).

After you’ve pressed the < OK > button, Logframer will import your logical framework. Don’t forget to save once the spreadsheet is imported.

Logframe imported from an Excel document

Notice that Logframer automatically numbers all the items (objectives, indicators, verification sources, etc.). However, you should check the numbering of the activities if you have more than one output. Logframer will link all the activities to the first output, so you may have to move the activities around from the first output to one of the others, using the left mouse button to drag-and-drop them.


Similarly, if you have more than one purpose in your logframe, you will see that after the import all outputs are listed under the first purpose.

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