Spanish version of Logframer


Many people have been asking for a Spanish version of Logframer. Some people have even offered to assist with this translation. So I've created this forum thread to enable us to collaborate and translate Logframer's interface.


If you want to help, you'll need to register in order to be able to participate in this thread. Please use the contact form to send me a message with your first and last name, as well as the e-mail address on which you want to receive messages from my part.

I will then send you a message back with your log-in details.

Working together on the translation

I've made an Excel document with the phrases that need to be translated. There are two sheets in the document, one with the words and phrases of the actual interface, and one with things that appear in warning messages, selection lists and so on. In total, there are some 1,100 phrases to be translated.

Of course, I don't expect anyone to translate the whole document in one go. So when you apply for registration, please also indicate how many phrases you want to translate. You may want to start with say 20 phrases, you can always ask for more to translate later on.

I will then send you the latest version of the Excel document, indicating which part you can translate.

Once you've completed your work, you can send me your copy of the document, and I will update the main list.

The forum

You can use the forum to post questions and exchange information. This way, other volunteers can refer to these posts too. This way you can also comment on translations that are already included in the list, but which may contain some errors or misunderstandings.

I will also use the forum to post the latest version of the Excel document, so everyone can see how far we are.

The end result

Once I have a complete list, I will use it to translate the interface of Logframer. As I'm continuously working on the next version, I may have to add additional phrases to the list as new features are included to Logframer (or old ones are modified).

What you will get out of it

As this is a not-for-profit initiative, you will not get paid in any way for your help. However, your name will be included in the 'About Logframer' window, as a token of the eternal gratitude of myself and of all the Spanish speaking future users of Logframer. I also promise you to buy you a drink, if we are ever to meet.

Translation to other languages

Making another user interface is a lot of work. The translation of the 1,100 phrases in the list are just the first part, then I have to create the actual user interface and modify the underlying code. So first I want to focus on the Spanish translation. If this goes well, other languages may follow. So for those who already volunteered to translate Logframer in other languages than Spanish, please be patient.


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