Headers and footers

For each report, you can set page headers and footers. To do so, press the Headers... or Footers... button in the Print Settings Bar.

Page header dialog window

There are three text areas: on the left, the centre and on the right side of the page. If you use all three areas, Logframer will divide the available space between the three areas. If you use only the left and right area, both will get half of the page at their disposal. If you use only one area, it will have the whole page width at its disposal.

You can use all text options that are also available for the logical framework itself (bold, italics, text colour...)

Page numbers

To insert page numbers and/or the total number of pages, you can use the buttons on the right of the toolbar. Simply click with the text cursor on the place where you want to insert the page number, and then click on the Page number button.

A placeholder text will appear {&Page} that will be replaced by the actual page number in the preview or printed document. You can format this placeholder like you would any other text.

Copy the header/footer to all other reports

If you want the exact same header or footer on all your documents, you can check the Copy this header to all reports option (or Copy this footer to all reports option) on the bottom left of the dialog. When you press the OK button, all other reports get the same outlook.


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