Adding expenses

IATI asks you to present your organisation's total expenses over the last three years. You can make do with a total figure, or you can add some detail according to your own liking. The idea here is to be transparent about your main expenses, but it's not necessary to go into much detail or replicate your bookkeeping here.

The Expenses window

On the Total Expenses page, you can specify which main expenses you want to calculate. Apart from filling out the Description column you don't have to do anything else. Logframer will calculate the numbers for you.

Next go to the first year and detail the costs. How far you go is entirely up to you and depends on your transparency policy. You can provide lump sums or detail duration, quantities and unit costs.

Detailing your expenses for each year

Once you've completed the first year you move to the next. If the costs are more or less the same you can start by copying the headings and values from the previous year. Go to the Items toolbar and click on the button that says Copy values from the previous year. This will save you some manual labour, all you have to do now is to update values where necessary.


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