Step 11: Reporting
Analyses and the conclusions are generally noted down and distributed in the form of reports. Again, keeping the participatory nature of RBM in mind, you should not forget that reporting is not something you do for the benefit of the donor and for headquarters only (upward accountability). Partners and beneficiaries must be informed too (downward accountability). The whole idea of this participatory approach to monitoring and learning is to stimulate a feeling of ownership of the project and its results by the beneficiaries.
Normally, a series of intermediate progress reports are produced over the course of a project. Often donors or organisations will have their own templates that are mandatory to use. In any case, such reports should contain:
- An overview of the project’s realisations so far
- An overview and analysis of the things that have yet to be realised
- A description of what will be done in the coming period to reach the objectives
- A brief description of the evolution of the general situation (project’s environment)
- A status update about the resources: financial expenditure, human resources, logistics, planned missions…
- A financial planning for the coming period
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