Example projects

As you may have noticed, Logframer 2 offers a lot of possibilities and it may take a while before you know and understand them all (even if you are one of those rare people who actually reads a manual).

So after popular demand I've decided to post the projects I use for testing the software and writing the online/offline manuals on a new page (version française ici). You will find a new link in the Help pages as well as on the Download page to the Logframer examples page.

For the moment, most examples are in english, but in the future I will post more examples here. I'm also willing to post any example projects that you would be willing to share with other people, so feel free to contact me if you have a project to share.

Note: to download the examples right-click on the file name and select 'Save as...' If you simply click on the link your browser will open the xml file directly and you will get a load of mumby-jumbo


Thank you putting example project. I will go through these projects. This will help me to do my own project without any struggle and difficulties. Thanks Once again!!! 

Hi,I'am having difficulties in downloading the example projects.Please advise.Thanks, 

To download the examples you have to right-click on the file name and select 'Save as...' If you simply click on the link your browser will open the xml file directly and you will get a load of mumby-jumbo

Need to understand how budget is calculated from the activities

Hi Jim,

The budget isn't calculated from the activities. Rather, there are two possible ways to work:

Use the logframe to (roughly) indicate the budget: for each activity you can list the necessary resources and then provide a (ball parc) amount for each resource.

Use the budget tab to specify your budget in detail. Once you've done that, you can return to the logframe and for each resource you can use the details pane to select items from the budget. You can then specify which percentage of the budget item is used for that specific resource/activity. You can also specify more than one budget item and Logframer will calculate the total amount for that resource.

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