Logframer examples
On this page you can find and download the Logframer files (*.lfr) that were used in the user manual.
Note that these are ficticious projects that were made to demonstrate Logframer's abilities, not to serve as ideal, picture perfect examples of what a (international development) project should be.
To download the file in question, right-click on the link and select 'Save as...' or 'Save link as...' from the pop-up menu. Save the document on your computer as a Logframer document (with .lfr extension, for instance 'Test project.lfr'). If you simply click on the link your browser will show you the XML code directly.
- Improving food security of farmers in Eastern Congo.lfr - this file served as the main example in the manual of version 2.0. Contains a completed logframe, planning and budget as well as additional information about target groups, partner organisations, contacts etc. The logical framework contains indicators of different types, but not all seventeen files have been used. You can also use this file to test the exporting abilities of Logframer
- Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire des agriculteurs à l'Est du Congo.lfr - same file as the one above, but in french.
- Indicator test - project level.lfr - this file contains an overview with examples of all 17 types of indicators that are available in Logframer. All indicators are measured at project level, which means that during monitoring you only enter a single value for the whole of the project, rather than doing measurements for each beneficiary and calculating the total. The indicators are listed in the activities section. This means that in order to see them, you must select the Process Indicators button in the Lay-out toolbar. Additionally, make sure you can see the Details pane (click the Show Details button in the Lay-out toolbar or press <Ctrl><D>).
- Indicator test - beneficiary level.lfr - similar document to the one above, but here the indicators are measued at beneficiary level. This means that you register values for each individual beneficiary (or a sample of the whole group) rather than a single value for the whole project.
- Greenhouse project in Dalekostan - version 2.lfr - this file was originally used to show the abilities of Logframer 1.0 but was then opened and modified in version 2.0. It contains a completed logframe and planning, but no budget.
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