General information about logical frameworks
Title | Organisation | Language | Date |
Working with the Logical Framework (under duress or by desire) | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2005-05 |
The Logical Framework: A list of useful documents | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2008-01 |
Logical Framework Analysis (LFA)
Title | Organisation | Language | Date |
The Logical Framework: A list of useful documents | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2008-01 |
The Logical Framework Approach (AusGuideLine 3.3) | AusAID | English | 2005-10 |
Working with the Logical Framework (under duress or by desire) | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2005-05 |
Logical Framework: Making it Results-Oriented | Ethiopia-Canada Cooperation Office - Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) | English | 2001-04 |
Logical Framework Approach : handbook for objectives-oriented planning | Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) | English | 1999-01 |
Project Cycle Management (PCM)
Title | Organisation | Language | Date |
The Logical Framework: A list of useful documents | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2008-01 |
Méthode de Gestion de Cycle de Project (GCP) - Fiche 4 | Cota | French | 2007-02 |
Working with the Logical Framework (under duress or by desire) | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2005-05 |
Results Based Management (RBM)
Title | Organisation | Language | Date |
Méthode de Planification de Projet par Objectif (Fiche 3) | Cota | French | 2006-10 |
La Gestion Axée sur les Résultats | Cota | French | 2007-07 |
Results-Based Management Tools at CIDA: A How-to Guide | Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) | English | 2012-12 |
The Logical Framework: A list of useful documents | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2008-01 |
Working with the Logical Framework (under duress or by desire) | Monitoring and Evaluation NEWS | English | 2005-05 |
Theory of Change (TOC)
Title | Organisation | Language | Date |
ToC Academy | Changeroo | English |
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