
With Logframer 3.1 you can:

Overview by topic:


Design logical frameworks

Go to the Logical Framework window (second tab) to design your logical framework

The logical framework window


Use the Text toolbar to edit text: make it bold, italic, change the text size and its font, etc. You can edit text just like you would in any text editor.

The text toolbar


Hide columns and section to focus on your work. Make custom versions of the logframe by hiding the parts you don't want to see, print or export.

Lay-out toolbar

Logframe with two columns


Click and hold the right mouse button to drag any item to another column or section. The green indicator shows where you will copy or insert the items when you release the right mouse button. Don’t worry about renumbering when you move, copy, remove or insert new items. Logframer does it all for you so you can concentrate on content.

Copying Verification Sources


Use the Details pane at the bottom to add detailed information about objectives, activities, indicators, verifications sources, risks, assumptions, dependencies and resources


Manage target groups

Add target groups in the Project Information window

Overview of target groups


Design a Target Group Identification Form for each target group

Adding a target group

The form:

Print preview of the Target Group Identification Form

Indicate the location of your target groups on Bing Maps™

Draw the location of your target group on Bing Maps

Create your project's planning

Go to the Planning window (third tab) to design your planning. You can add key moments and activities or processes that group several sub-activities (or sub-processes). Activities can have preparation periods and follow-up periods. You can also create repeating activities.

The Planning window


You can modify dates by dragging whole activities or just their start or end dates. You can also increase the preparation and follow-up period the same way

Dragging to extend the preparation period of an activity


All activities and key-moments can be defined in relation to the start date of the project (or any other activity or key-moment). So when you have to postpone the start of your project, you don't have to re-plan every activity - they all move with the rest of the programme.

Relative dates


Establish the budget

New in Logframer 2.0: you can calculate the project's budget in the Budget window. You have the choice between a standard budget, where all the calculations are made on a single page. Or you can make a multi-year budget and specify costs for each year.

The Budget window


Working with foreign currencies is easy thanks to the Exchange Rates pane that allows you to manage currencies and exchange rates in a central location

The exchange rates pane


Once your budget is ready, you can indicate for each resource in the logical framework which budget items will be used and for which percentage

Budget references of a resource


This then allows you to produce an overview of the outputs, their activities, the resources necessary for the activities and the approximate budget for each

The Resources table


Design your project's monitoring system

For each section of the logframe (Goals, Purposes, Outputs, Activities) you can specify how regularly you want to measure the indicators. This means you can set one or more monitoring deadlines for each section and one or more targets for each indicator together with a baseline.

Setting project monitoring deadlines


In the logframe, you can choose between 17 different types of indicators. You can use value-based indicators but also open ended questions, images, multiple choice questions, ordinal (ranking) questions and behaviour or attitude scales.

Value indicator with multiple targets

Formula type indicator with registration on beneficiary level

Multiple choice indicator

Likert scale with frequencies


You can select the number of decimals, the unit in which the values will be expressed, various scoring options, etc.

Scoring options of a value indicator


Once you've detailed all your indicators, you can create the Monitoring tool in Microsoft Excel. This allows you to register your measurements over time and to follow up your project.

Monitoring tool exported to Excel


RAID: management of Risks, Assumptions, (Issues) and Dependencies

In the fourth column of the logframe, you can include risks, assumptions and dependencies

Information about an assumption in the Details pane

Information about an assumption in the Details pane

Information about a dependency in the Details pane


Once you've identified all risks, you can create the Risk Register in Excel. This will allow you to keep track of risks during the course of your project.

The Risk Register created in MS Excel


Other features

Manage information about your partner organisations and contacts. Contact people via e-mail, Skype or letter.

Managing information about contacts, partner organisations and donors

Manage funding sources, budget lines, calls for proposals, contract deadlines and (international) transactions

Overview of funding sources and contractual deadlines

Import existing logframes and budgets from Microsoft Excel  or Microsoft Word

Importing a logframe made in Microsoft Excel


Print reports or export them to Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel documents.

Export your project to an IATI activity file

Exporting to IATI file formats


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