Logical Framework Approach (LFA)

The Logical Framework Approach or LFA is a systematic and analytical process for objectives-oriented project planning and management. LFA is also known under other names, such as Objectives Oriented Planning or Goals Oriented Planning. It makes use of the basic logframe matrix to design, plan and manage projects.

What LFA adds to the basic logical framework, is a method to develop the project’s goals and activities and identify key information (such as risks) through a participatory approach. Basically, this means that instead of having a single person who designs the project all on his own, you seek the involvement of all concerned parties – also known as the stakeholders. The most important stakeholders are the potential beneficiaries of the project, or the target group.

Getting the involvement of your target group and other stakeholders not only ensures that your project is well designed. It also makes sure that everybody is aware of the project and what it is supposed to change. It allows people to get involved, and develop a feeling of responsibility for the project and its results.

This is known as developing ownership for the project’s outcomes, and it is important to make sure that the positive realisations of the project are embedded locally and durable over  time. People will care about the project and take care about its results.


Thanks alot for this article, i feel that the LFA is the heart of M&E. I thought this link would further enhance our understanding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xefwbDiWHdY 

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