Detailing budget items

To specify how much a certain resource will cost, you can enter a single value in the Budget column of the logframe window. Alternatively, you can specify any number of items in the Details window. Logframer will calculate the total cost of these different items, and show this total amount in the Budget column.

Entering details about budgeted costs

For each item you can specify:

  • The quantity
  • The duration, if necessary
  • The cost per unit

You needn't fill out all three fields if you don't want to. You can either:

  • Specify the unit cost only (for instance if you want to indicate a lump sum).
  • Specify the quantity and the unit cost
  • Specify the duration and the unit cost (for instance to calculate salaries).
  • Specify the quantity, the duration and the unit cost.

If you want to specify the number unit, you can select a standard item from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can enter any indication in the Unit column. The text you entered will be added to the bottom of the drop-down list, in the User-defined section.

Select number unit from the drop-down list

All prices/costs are shown in a standard currency (in this example in Euros). If you want to change the default currency for your logframe, go to ToolsOptions in the Menu bar and select a currency from the drop-down list of the Currency (budget) field.


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