Recent files list

The upcoming version of Logframer will continue a modest but practical improvement: a 'recent files' list. Logframer 1.1 will list the most recent logframe documents that you've opened. Up to six documents can be included in the list (you can alter the number of files in the settings to suit your needs).

The recent files list in Logframer 1.1

It's one small step for man, and totally irrelevant for mankind. But practical none the less.


Great initiative...thank you. I cannot install and receive a warning such as:impossible to install because requiring Version4.0 Full or another version of .NET Framework that is compatible What is your recommendation? Thank you in advance and best regards.

Hi Patrik,

It seems that you have an older version of the Microsoft .NET framework installed on your computer. Version 1.1 of Logframer requires .NET 4.0 (or higher) to operate. You can update the .NET framework using Windows Update, which you can find in your Start menu.

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