Add questions and indicate your preferential ranking

To add questions, go to the first row and enter the questions in the 'Label' column.

If you want, you can indicate the preferential ranking, meaning the ranking that you hope to achieve by the end of the project (or any other period of time). For instance, in the example below, most people sell their produce immediately when it's harvested. This means that often they don't get a good price, because at harvest time there are a lot of producers offering their vegetables and so on at the same time, so prices are low. It would be better to sell them when there aren't many vegetables around, but that means you have to keep them in a warehouse or freezer. Another option to add value is to transform them into something that has more value (soup or sauce or canned vegetables...)

So when we ask the producers before the project starts what the most important source of income is, they may rank it as follows:

  1. Selling of vegetables directly from the field/greenhouse
  2. Selling of transformed produce
  3. Selling of produce that has remained in the warehouse until prices are higher

What you hope to see in the end is that a certain percentage of producers have changed this order around to:

  1. Selling of produce that has remained in the warehouse until prices are higher
  2. Selling of vegetables directly from the field/greenhouse
  3. Selling of transformed produce

Select the ranking preferences from the drop-down list

To set the preferential ranking, just click on the drop-down list and select any of the values. You can also click on the cell and type the value. The minimum value is zero, the maximum value is equal to the number of classes (columns).


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