Making the Budget

To design the budget of your project, select the Budget tab.

The Budget window

You have a choice between two types of budget:

  • A simple budget: this means you have one (big) list of budget headers and budget costs.
  • A multi-year budget: for every year of the project you can specify costs. Logframer will create a tab page for every budget year, preceded by a Total budget page. You can determine the overall structure of your budget on the Total budget page and this structure will be used on the other pages.

Once you've designed your budget, you can go back to the logical framework and determine for each activity what the cost of the resources will be. For every resource you can list which budget items will be used, and which percentage of the price of each budget item.

In the Budget Details pane you can see an overview of the activities and resources that have used the current budget item and what percentage they have used. This also allows you to see if budget items haven't been overused.

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