Setting monitoring deadlines
Before you start detailing your indicators, it's best to set the monitoring deadlines first. When you design your logframe, you can add indicators and verification sources. But before you start to specify the details of the indicators (question type, value range, baseline and targets…) it's best to set these deadlines first.
For each level of the logframe (goals, purposes, outputs and activities) you can specify when and how often the indicators will be measured. For indicators that use values or scores, this means that you can set targets.
You can set:
- A single target: if you want to achieve a single target by the end of the project
- A yearly target: you can specify a target for each year of the project. If the project runs 3 years from 2017 until 2019, you will be able to specify 3 targets
- A twice yearly target: specify a target for each 6-month period
- A quarterly target: specify a target for each 3-month period
- A monthly target: specify a target for each month
- User defined targets: if the previous options are not convenient, you can specify the exact dates on which you want to measure the indicators
Depending on the type of project you design and the level in the logframe, you will want the frequency to be higher or lower. Emergency aid projects may need monthly follow-up; development projects typically use yearly or twice yearly targets. You may want to monitor your outputs yearly (or more regularly) but the indicators of the project's purpose and impact only at the end of the project.
These settings do not affect the baseline: for each indicator you can set the baseline.
After setting the frequency of the monitoring, you can choose when it will start and end. You can choose a date relative to the start or end date of the project, or you can specify a fixed date. Based on your preferences, Logframer will generate a list of the monitoring dates in the overview on the right.
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