Add a new Project Partner
To add a new partner, click into the top list. This will select the Items toolbar. Then press the Add button. You will get the following pop-up window:
Here you can register:
- The name of the organisation (mandatory)
- The organisation's acronym
- Select the type of organisation (not-for-profit, company, medical institute…)
- The role of the organisation in the project: is it the lead organisation, a (implementing) partner, a donor, a supplier, an auditor…
- If the organisation has a IATI identifier (International Aid Transparency Initiative) then you can register it as well
- Whether the organisation provides funding or not. If you indicate that it does, you will be able to include additional information such as budget lines, calls for proposals, etc.
Click OK to add the organisation to your partner list. When you return to the main window you can add the organisation's address(es), telephone numbers, (general) e-mail address, website, contacts, etc.
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